Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ok, so I thought maybe we could try to help each other with the stupid weight thing.

Ron needs to lose and so do I!  I want to walk and hike and look better. I can't where a lot of my clothes.

Anyway, I decided I would try Clean Eating. I am going to make short goals so maybe I can actually meet them.   I pinned some clean, non-processed food, recipes on Pinterest. I am addicted to sugar so one major thing is to eliminate that. I also read that we should drink a cup of tea every day.

I am looking for some easy smoothy recipes that might be good for breakfast. I also would like some good ideas for lunch.

Then there is exercise...  Maybe I will try 15 min a day for week one. Jess and I talked about FaceTime during the walk.

I hope I can do something- never feel great and don't like the way I look.

I invited you as an author of this blog so we could share stuff with each other. We have to succeed someday right?!?



  1. Sounds good to me! I also would like some smoothie ideas and lunch ideas.

  2. I'm on board. Finishing my last wine and chips and dip. Tomorrow hitting it hard. I like the posting of low fat, healthy type recipes on Pinterest. Thanks for making this blog Sue.

  3. Was hungry today. Yesterday I wanted chocolate after I was done with school. Can only do one thing at a time so this week I am working on the clean thing.

    I have to get some interest and variety for the meals. Usually either no time or don't feel like making anything that takes thought.

    Had lunch with Lisa and we decided "to hell with the weight, let's just be healthy!" We really said that. I do also know that is what we really believe. Also, I do not like the way I look.

  4. Here is a good protein/breakfast smoothie.
